Monday, January 12, 2015

Training week -9 to Seoul Marathon 2015 - new year, busy week and marathon race-pace run

Sitting here now looking back this week is totally different from thinking of it on Monday.

As expected, a week that started with busy schedule. Briefing given on new target of the year, schedule arranged for different kind of projects, presentation, people start to come seeing you, boss start to pay attention to you, questions and things to follow up started, etc.

On the road, although school holiday was postponed one week, car started to lining up on the street.

Last Sunday woke up 4am to airport, followed by a 32 km, then drive back to hometown without much rest. The next morning (Monday) up at 5am for work, and work extra shift till 9pm. Had dinner at 10pm which I could finish, and went to bed on pass midnight.

Tuesday - recovery run was done at really slow as legs were tired.

Wednesday - been the third day busy involved standing and walking for long hours (and without much fluid). I was very tired for the medium long run and thought of giving up.  Took a 10 min nap after work and still headed out for the run. Run at perceived exertion, feel like 5:10/km, but after botanical loops and checked the time it was almost 6:00/min pace. Called it a day as there's no need to continue up to 24km at this state.

Thursday was more relax and body has much recovered. Completed 24km run today. Although it's not good to replace back yesterday mileage, but since I'm going to cut short distance on Friday so it might be still ok.

Friday to Saturday schedule was very tight and was able to slot in run between different occasion. After work on Friday, quickly put in 12km run, then headed out fetch friends from airport for friend's wedding. When I back, it's already 1130pm plus.The next day, woke up early to meet up with parents, fit in a recovery run at 3pm, then headed out for wedding dinner and back on 11++pm, after I rejected the invitation for afterparty.

I snoozed off the alarm on 530am the next day, I really need to sleep. Woke up 9am to go back hometown, and took another 1 hour nap. When I headed out for marathon race-pace run, I was still half recover but become smooth when move into the distances.

During the meet up with friends we did talked about daily schedule and training. We know each other due to training for life savings in university, and some of them still active in sports (running, cycling, swimming). They do agree when life moving to the next stage, time will be lesser for sports to make it for partner, family and kids. I agreed. I couldn't imagine how the life would be if I have one or more person in my life, I said. I had pretty much occupied my time, one more occasion in a day (like supper with friends) would give me headache. May be this is the way of life I chose to make it looks reasonable. I acknowledge the problem but I just live with it day by day.

It's kind of hard to explain when I need to sleep early for run of next day, for recovery, for whatever related to it. But people kind of understand if a father with baby needs to back early as the baby needs to sleep. Not that I jealous with the baby, but life is but a formation of concept from a group of people. May be to be consistently sending the message will make it be come logical. I should be thankful so far my family haven't interrupt me on my running habit. May be running is harmless to them, as compared to others that they know of (like driving a car or taking a plane).

Spoke to a guest from KL that happened to sit beside me during the dinner. He needs to travel 80 km per day (total) for work, to out 615am+ to avoid traffic, and to back earlier to avoid traffic. And the time left for a day was short duration at night, then to prepare the next day. Weekend, is to do something can't do on weekdays, and holidays, is to get away from the city. I can't imagine a life like that, unless I give up running. So this is to say another thankful for me to able complete those duration of training per week.

Back to running. This cycle of training has seen slower pace than of training for Rotorua. The most significant change is the change of running form, due to injury, due to avoiding stressing the area again. Seeing back the training for same week last year, I was coping with more and done better (and went into injury). To make it sound better, I should say it'll be an achievement this time to proceed to race without any injury again.

Another week ahead, another week to strive.

<Week 02 (01-05-15 to 01-11-15)>
Day DistanceTimeSpeedRoute
(Jan 05 15)
 No run. Extended shift at work.
(Jan 06 15)

11 kilometers 1:09:28 min 6:19 min/kilometer  
Recovery, Notes: very tired leg. Just drag my body over the distance and keep the steps light.
(Jan 07 15)

12.5 kilometers 1:13:22 min 5:52 min/kilometer  
Recovery, Notes: Kristal - botanical small loops x 8 - Kristal. 24 km medium-long run cut short to 12km at recovery pace. Cumulative tiredness lasted and work been busy - including long hours work and long hours of standing. Started run with very reluctant body and legs. Feeling very difficult to continue just 4 km into the run. Pace feel like 5:10/km but actually was 5:50/km pace. After finish botanical loops, checked the avg pace was 6:00/km and decided its time to turn back. There's no benefit to continue the run till 24 km.
(Jan 08 15)

24.1 kilometers 2:09:19 min 5:23 min/kilometer  
Medium-long run, Notes: Kristal-botanical small loopsx12-outsite botanical tru-and-fro x4-Kristal 24 km medium-long run to replace yesterday run. Although its said not to cover back missed mileage, but since Ill cut short Fridays run for other errand, so it might be ok to make a medium long run today. Body has much recover today and run was easier than yesterday. Ran mostly in the rain. Take steps very carefully and avoid push. Pace feel of 5:10/km but actually is 5:20/km.
(Jan 09 15)

12 kilometers 1:10:31 min 5:51 min/kilometer  
General aerobic, Notes: Medium-long run cut short to meet friends at night. Leg in tired state due to 24km run yesterday.
(Jan 10 15)

10 kilometers 1:01:22 min 6:08 min/kilometer  
Recovery, Notes: A run slot between meeting with parents and attending wedding dinner.
(Jan 11 15)

26.2 kilometers 2:04:37 min 4:45 min/kilometer  
Marathon-pace, Notes: 26 km with 19 km at marathon race pace. Target 4:30/km or 73%-84% HRR. Waited for 30 mins before out as it was too hot outside. Out around 4:40pm as thinking when I start marathon pace the weather would be better. Stepped out and a thick cloud ahead providing much share. However when moving into marathon pace the sun came out again, together with wind. Wind was sometimes in front and behind since I was running at USM loop. Feeling a bit tired at the start but feel smoother after moving into more distances. The weather become better at around 18 km and wind become less but still there. Start marathon pace at about 73% HRR and maintain around 80% at the second half. A feeling of able to sustain the pace is good. Paying attention to the landing and posture too. Consider the weather and wind, this consider a satisfactory run for me. Splits min/km for last 19 km: 4:36, 4:31, 4:33, 4:20, 4:24, 4:33 (hydration), 4:24, 4:29, 4:35, 4:26, 4:27, 4:34 (hydration then side stitch kicked in), 4:25, 4:26, 4:35, 4:29, 4:30, 4:25, 4:26

2.3 kilometers 15:20 min 6:40 min/kilometer  
Cool down

  • Run Distance:98.13 kilometers
    Run Time:9:03:59 min
     Total Time:9:03:59 min

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