Sunday, March 20, 2016

Training to next event: Week -15

This week the harsh weather continue. There's no rain still.
Hot, bright, high humidity.
Inhale deeply, I could feel the dry air at the nose tip, travel to throat then into the lung.
At Padang Polo, the grass turn yellow, the land was harden, I could smell the dry leaf like ready to burn if there's any sparks.

On Monday, I felt uncomfortable soreness around knee area. I couldn't tell the location. Sometimes it was like the muscle above the knee, sometimes it was like inside the left or right side of the knee. I could feel sharp but short pain while stepping up or bring up right leg.

The symptom went a way after some activities so I continue training on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

On Tuesday, it was a 8 km tempo run, but I cut it to 6 km due to extreme heat.

On Wednesday, the knee soreness was more noticeable. However, it still didn't affect the pace during mid run, in fact I feel done it quite well. The soreness could be felt towards the end and so I just slow jog back.

I skipped recovery run on Thursday and Saturday. Friday and Sunday, I ran with cautious.

Finally after 5 months, I put on my Garmin 910XT once again to run. There's long story in getting the watch for repair, and it is a replace unit, but I'm grateful it is back now.

I will need to proceed with care for next week training not to exacerbate the knee condition.

This soreness at right knee is new.
Although I had experience ITB before, but the location is different this time.
It could be runner's knee - where it was due to overuse and need rest or reduce mileage.
I hope it's not something worse.

What I was wondering is what causes this.

I have been motivated and fit in more workout, as well as increase the intensity. On Tues, Wed and Sun after the workout, I'll either fit in strength workout, occasionally weight. The other day, stretching. During the build up period, the frequency of workout is more. During long run, I'll arrange some hill at Botanical Garden big loop towards the end and maintain as much intensity as possible.
In other words, I've been incorporating more volume (frequency or workout) and intensity for 6 weeks (Including 4 weeks of build up).
And again the body answer me with a break down signal.
I guess there's something to revise.

Wish the weather will turn good soon.

Week -15 (03-14-16 to 03-20-16)
Day DistanceTimeSpeedRoute
(Mar 14 16)

10.1 kilometers 1:02:05 min 6:11 min/kilometer  
(Mar 15 16)

14 kilometers 1:13:46 min 5:16 min/kilometer  
Lactate threshold, Notes: Lactate threshold 8 km cut short to 6 km due to extremely heat. Wet hair and neck before tempo, and again after the tempo. Heat and sunshine was unbearable. Was worry of over pushing or shut down. Splits: 4:04, 4:13, 4:18, 4:13, 4:23, 4:15
(Mar 16 16)

23.1 kilometers 2:08:46 min 5:34 min/kilometer  
Medium-long run, Notes: Hot and exhausted. Muscle above right knee feeling soreness. Due to the heat so planned to run by flow of effort to avoid over doing. 1st km done at 9:23 due to waiting for traffic light. Surprisingly a few km at botanical garden and padang polo was less than 5:00/min or around 5/min even with feeling of moderate effort. It could be the heat stimulate the body and if really push it will increase core temperature of body without knowing it, which is dangerous.
(Mar 17 16)
(Mar 18 16)

18.4 kilometers 1:42:36 min 5:35 min/kilometer  
Medium-long run, Notes: Rested one day due to feeling painful and soreness around knee. Completed 13 round at Padang Polo. Knee soreness at start, but better towards middle of run around 12 km, then become noticeable again towards the end.
(Mar 19 16)
(Mar 20 16)

25.9 kilometers 2:15:54 min 5:15 min/kilometer  
Long run, Notes: Uncomfortable feeling around right knee was lessen due to one day rest. Run with cautious not to put pressure on right knee. Slide over and pull to glide through the ground. Was feeling running at 5:15-5:30/min but record showed actually run at faster pace. Pace of 5:10-5:20/min at loop over gurney and esplanade, pace 4:43-4:59/min at loop over Padang Polo, which I didnt expect. Tried to put running motion start to be smooth. Mild uncomfortable in the end of the run. Body and leg was not tired.

  • Run Distance:91.44 kilometers
    Run Time:8:23:07 min
     Total Time:8:23:07 min

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