Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Training week -6 to Seoul Marathon 2015 - reminder to self for VO2max run, another "ad hoc" at work, tune-up race

It's week -6.
But I feel the training just started.
I feel there's more to do. My mind was still thinking of training day to day instead of the race.
I have blank plan on the trip. How I hope I can just step pass a door and reach there.
For me, there's always lots of things to think of for a long trip. This and that, small details.
What's more, to a country that language I not familiar with.
I certainly started to feel nervous now but didn't set down to draw a plan.
It's like seeing a time-bomb ticking and didn't run away.

The VO2max session this week was an important reminder to me.
With 5x600m not a long distance, and eagerness to achieve the heart rate, I ran it with increased intensity, which almost cost injury, with prolonged recovery.
Unable to bring up the heart rate and not feeling tired, I ran the last set with 3:28/km pace which I never do for such a distance. On the poor footing Padang Polo I feel a small twitch on left shin, landing was not stable. Alert, I slowed down. For the next few days, the leg tiredness started to shown up until Saturday.

I've read about running a VO2max session, by not maxing it out, but somehow it's so easily forgotten when eagerness supersede it.
I'm here to write down or quote some writings as my reminder, as my own reference in case I forget again:
1) Don't max it out.
2) Purpose of VO2max workout is to stress the aerobic system at minimal maximum intensity. Doing more than that, it engage other system (e.g. anaerobic). This is not the purpose of the workout.
3) Running too hard of it, may compromise the quality of the whole workout as forced to slow down near the end.
4) Running too hard, take more days to recover, compromise other important workout of the week.
5) Run at same intensity each set. If unable to achieve target heart zone, modified by make the distance longer, or shorten the rest time. Never increase intensity.
6) Shorten the rest time will help to bring the heart rate to targeted zone faster after certain repetition at same intensity.
7) The shorter the run, the shorter the rest time could be.

The legs feeling more and more tired esp 2days and more after the VO2max workout.
Knowing there's a tune-up race, I tried to rest as much as possible.
Friday run was skipped as rest and also to adjust sleeping time.
Saturday recovery was a jog at 7km/min.

However, no matter how hard I tried to get into recovery, the plan was interrupted. As if the more attention I paid to something, the more vulnerable it is.

There's this one I called "ad hoc" or "the expected unexpected event from the workplace" on Saturday morning. A "spring cleaning" or "gotong-royong" will be held "because there's someone will be visiting". Received call to ask you "can you participate tomorrow?" and I said I can't. The reply was there's not enough male. Using one tenth second I reasons in my mind should I tell that I wish to rest for a race on Sunday, and I realize no one will understand that. And I agreed to join.

The "spring cleaning" wasn't some floor sweeping or playing with water hose, take a group photo and go back. It was to move and rearrange things in an big old building that storing old documents and old furniture, machines. There's literally no "cleaning" involve. It was moving and rearranging and sorting the heavy boxes and old equipment - and one should know the old furniture and equipment are made of good quality of woods and steel. It's not like the palm oil wood nowadays.

By halfway, my legs was so tired and feel extreme soreness and burning sensation on my calves. I was so disappointed. But besides work even harder to complete the task, there's no choice.

What's the worst? I asked myself. The worst is to compromised tomorrow's timing, and if really does I know the reasons. And no people promise everything will go smooth. There must be people come in with other problem too. The next day, I read about oversea runner who overnight at race venue for the event. They have the reasons to complain too, but end up winning the race.

Looking forward to next week - with a off day on Tues for Thaipusam.

Week -6 (01-26-15 to 02-01-15)
(Jan 26 15)
(Jan 27 15)

14 kilometers 1:17:24 min 5:31 min/kilometer 
VO2max, Notes: 31.1C, 59. with 5x600m at 5k pace HRR 91-94 Splits in km/min: 3:37, 3:40, 3:52, 3:40, 3:28 Overdid last split by increased intensity to achieve higher heart rate. Triggered some light twitch on left shin and tiredness up to Sat.
(Jan 28 15)

23 kilometers 2:05:41 min 5:28 min/kilometer 
Medium-long run, Notes: 30C, H 59. Leg was very tired d/t yesterday VO2max.
(Jan 29 15)

11 kilometers 1:07:34 min 6:08 min/kilometer 
Recovery, Notes: with 6x100m strides. Legs was tired.
(Jan 30 15)
 Rest d/t tiredness.
(Jan 31 15)

8.1 kilometers 55:58 min 6:54 min/kilometer 
Recovery, Notes: Leg was extremely tired with pace near to 7min/km. Recovery for me from VO2max session took longer.
(Feb 01 15)

1.7 kilometers 10:39 min 6:12 min/kilometer 
Warm up, Notes: warm up 5min run, 10min stretch, 5min run

14.9 kilometers 1:00:50 min 4:05 min/kilometer 
Race, Notes: Tune-up race. 22.8C, H 78.

7.3 kilometers 46:38 min 6:22 min/kilometer 
Recovery, Notes: Additional run after the race. Legs was exhausted so turn back after 1 round at Padang Polo.

  • Run Distance:80.13 kilometers
    Run Time:7:24:44 min
    Total Time:7:24:44 min

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