Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Easy, son

Today's schedule was aerobic run 14km with 10x100m strides. It turn out differently.

Started 4th km I was running loops in a field and gradually picked up with one veteran runner. I followed his pace for a few km as our pace are almost the same. At a turning I thought he wanted to slow down and ran passed him, and it changed thing.

No he didn't slow down but following my pace. For some reasons I make my pace faster and faster and it become some weird kind of mind to not being too slow.
I used to train alone and I know this is what happen if one can't control himself when running with buddy. I know I should keep guard the pace but something weird just happen in me.

Easy, son. I told myself.

I should follow the pace and not try to chase the speed.

The whole training at the field (4th km to 12th km) become like this:

4th  - 4'55"/km
5th  - 4'53"/km
6th  - 4'41"/km
7th  - 4'22"/km
8th  - 4'25"/km
9th  - 4'30"/km
10th - 4'28"/km
11th - 4'18"/km
12th - 4'30"/km

It's an experience to me.
It need discipline to be run at a correct pace even on a fresh day, for there's still hard day for the week.
I was like a deer being chased. It feel bad.

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